
Urgent health care

Emergency health care is available to everyone, national or non-national with legal status or without. Equally it is mandatory to provide prenatal, birth and postnatal care and also to provide health care for minors. However, to fully exercise your rights, the Health Card (TIS) or a Temporary Health Care document is required (DAST).

If neither of these requirements have been fulfilled, health care can also be received through the Basque health system's health centres. In this case, to avail of free health care once in a position to do so, after the health issue has been resolved, the person will be sent to a health centre with the corresponding application form.

Further information

Territorial Health Delegation of the Basque Government

Urgent medical assistance timetables

Within the normal timetable, from 08:00 h to 20:00 h, health centres have a substitute doctor for emergency cases.

Outside these times and on Saturdays and holidays, patients should attend the Continuous Care Unit (PAC) or at Galdakao Hospital.

The toll a free telephone number 112 is also available where each emergency will be assessed and appropriate instructions will be given.

Further information

Osakidetza Accident and Emergency Service: 944100000.